Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pictures of my Class - crazy hair day.

O.k. another attempt at organizing text and pictures. Last Friday we had crazy hair-day. I'm going to post a picture of me doing a kids hair, and then a picture of me telling a kid with silver hair spray in her hair, and a pony tail on top of her head to make the rock out (devil horn symbol) with her hand (this is our little secret). The next picture is of all of us (with crazy hair - yes I do have cat ears - they are very popular here), and it looks like I didn't manage to convince the little girl to do the rock out symbol, but Amy my co-teacher has picked it up. I'm not sure if she knows what it means. The next picture is with disgusting faces they told us to make. If you look closely you will notice that one little girl is not very happy with the whole idea of crazy hair day.

if they are out of order i failed at my attempt to post them properly, but I hope you still enjoy.

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