Tuesday, March 17, 2009

beginning to move around Html.....

O.k. now, i know how to post pictures in the right spot......move the code i don't understand around!!!!!

so now I can post lots of pictures in one blog, and it will make sense.

The kids i teach have three uniforms. They are all cute.

here is their cooking day uniform. We are making faces out of cookies, candies and Jam on white bread: This is me and Mary

and Emily with the finished product:

and here they are in gym. I don't know what they do in gym (because it is on of my few breaks), but I hear a lot of screaming coming from that room:

O.k. here are 2 posts from violin class. Notice the colorful cardboard violins. I actually set up a mini violin making factory in my first week. My employees were: Amy, my co-teacher, myself, and Victor (the retired chinese teacher). It was pretty funny to be instructing the Korean collegues I had just met in how to make cardboard box violins, but they seemed eager to help, and Amy was a whole lot better at cutting everything accurately than me. I wish I got a picture of the production.

Wow I'm getting better at moving around html. By the next blog the words, and the photos might actually make sense!

o.k. enough with this. time for some be-bim-bop.

have fun.


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