Sunday, March 15, 2009

English phrases around town number 1

this one is going to be short. there will be many more.

I'm going to start a series of posts recording the funny uses of English I see around me.

Here goes.

I have a small note book. On the front of the notebook it says "Notebook", and in very small print "made of paper"

My milk says: "1A top of the first A grade", and "enjoy the quality" This is the only English information on the package. The nutritional information is all in Korean.

My re-usable coffee mug says "made in Korea", and underneath that "good"

The white bread that I got when I came here was "happy plus toast"

The kindergarten I work at is called "little Ivy academy". The classrooms are named "Yale, Harvard, and Princeton"

and to top it off I will include a photo of an advertisement I saw for a credit card in the metro yesterday. One picture is of the whole add, and the second is of the text. If you can't read it, it says: "Adam said "the glory of the United States is not control, but liberty" and that "her march"...... "the rest is actually illegible in real life.

enjoy, Cassie.

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