Friday, June 5, 2009

a stupid apology

It’s been too long since my last blog entry. I will explain: When someone like me starts a blog for the purpose of keeping in touch with friends far away this kind of behavior is very predictable. I didn’t see it coming, but I had no pretension that I would be immune to it. Basically what happens is this: At first everything the blogger sees in his/her new place is very very new, and is seen by the blogger as a phenomenon. Being in a new place the blogger has no close friends around him/her, so he/she needs to share everything with close friends living far away., because all the new things are either very interesting, strange, funny, sad, incomprehensible, or a mixture of some, or all of the above. Then 2 things happen. First: the blogger starts to get used to things, so everything becomes a little less phenomenal, and a little more normal. Second, hopefully, the blogger make friends. If this happens he/she has less of a need to share things with the friends who are far away, because there are people close by to share things with. Also, the blogger just gets busy. New friends, and new activities fill up his/her life, and he/she is so busy doing that he/she runs out of time to contemplate.

O.k. so you’ve had enough of the third person. Actually I’ve been lucky to have a good bit of contemplative time on the bus. Just the ride to, and from Seoul is a half hour in a nice cozy seat on a quiet bus (because, as I mentioned before, noise/volume of people is quite low here). I have also taken a couple of trips to places in the country (mountains, ocean’s) around Korea now, and the buses are really sweet. However, I don’t bring my computer on the bus so the blog doesn’t get written there.

All of the above in the hypothetical blogger situation has happened to me (although I still live with quite a bit of wonder). I’m just taking in more now, so it is hard to filter it all down into a couple ideas, and paragraphs ect. (ESPECIALLY when I don’t get around to writing for a month).

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cassie,

    not to worry, I figured as much when I didn't hear from you after a while. so glad to hear you are doing well. Miss you!
